Pazhou Island Central and East Urban Design
Guangzhou, China
Conceptual planning and urban design services were provided to create an open space system and landscape framework integrated with new mixed-use development for an historic 832 hectare island site in the Pearl River of Central Guangzhou. Pazhou’s history as a foreign trade route known as the “Marine Silk Road” is extended through a new 17 million square meter development program that will reinforce the success of the Canton International Convention Exposition Center and Pazhou’s Internet Internet Innovation Area development. In a collaborative work session format, planning and design studied issues including transit-oriented-development (TOD), pedestrian and bicycle linkages, and sustainable design strategies including flood protection, resiliency and the integration of storm water management systems to integrate new development with open space networks and established settlements areas.
Client: Guangzhou Land Development Center, Guangzhou Haizhu District Land Resources and Planning Bureau
Collaboration: Gensler and Associates, Calthorpe Associates, South China University of Technology