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Xibin Historical Village Rehabilitation


Ai +Architecture LLC was awarded a top prize in the competition to rehabilitate a historic village as a centerpiece of a new waterfront development area on Xiamen’s Maluan Bay. The landscape and open space structure is based on the existing topography and the movement and processes of water within the site boundaries and beyond. The design goal is to create a balance of functioning natural systems, preserved and reimagined village culture that underpins and supports new urban development. Ecological patterns are identified and strengthened to create a green infrastructure linked to a functional and pleasant open space network that promotes a healthy environment for residents and visitors. Connections to the Bayfront are an important part of the open space network, creating key linkages to the regional Maluan Bay greenway loop. Water areas, drainage ways and landscapes throughout the site are designed to collect, store and filter runoff to both improve water quality before reaching the bay and reduce flood risks. These open space features are integrated with recreational facilities and the pedestrian and slow traffic network to create a functional, healthy, green framework for the community. The landscape structure emphasizes the pedestrian and open space connections through the site and to the Bayfront and surrounding urban context. East-west streetscape linkages are combined with the north-south Bayfront and village eco-corridor to provide an overall landscape framework for the community. The hillside park features a dramatic overlook and a beautiful garden setting that steps down to the existing ponds and surrounding promenades, providing attractive open spaces for village residents and visitors as well as wedding photo opportunities. A system of pedestrian bridges provides comfortable, safe and convenient access throughout the entire community as well as to the Bayfront park. Sponge City initiatives helping to reduce storm water runoff and support a healthy environment include extensive use of green roofs, rain gardens, water storage vaults, pervious surfaces, bio-swales and filtering wetlands and ponds.

Client: Xiamen Maluanbay New City Development Administration Center

Collaboration: South China University of Technology